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A Type for Our Time, Part 1


“I’d suggest reading Covenant of Christ as if it were a new message and see what it tells you about our present circumstances. The book is for and about us. It is not history. It is prophecy and warning for us at this very moment in time. It was clarified for the very generation when the book’s message was intended to be understood. Read it to try to understand what it is telling you” (Discussing Covenant of Christ blogpost, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 14, 2024, emphasis added).

The text was originally prepared by the authors to come forward for this generation. And events now happening are discussed in the book’s prophecies. Therefore, it is important for people living today to learn the wisdom, warnings, guidance and testimony provided by writers who were inspired by Jesus Christ for our benefit” (Discussing Covenant of Christ blogpost, Part 2, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 15, 2024, emphasis added).

The Covenant of Christ is a warning addressing our current circumstances. This modern English version of the Book of Mormon is specifically designed to bless, enlighten and prepare for gathering Israel and the Gentiles. It informs all of the road we now travel.

          The Covenant of Christ is not a history, but more like the script of a play. The script is one the accuser has used repeatedly to deceive and destroy mankind for generations. Like a well-worn recipe, Satan applies the same ingredients on individuals suffering from the same human frailties and “so the accuser swindles them and leads them away carefully down to hell.”[1]

          When a template is successful over multiple generations there is no reason to alter it. Mankind has always been susceptible to the same temptations and sins throughout time. Satan dangles the same outcomes before each generation and their lust, covetousness, pride and ambition lead them to succumb to his temptations.

          The scriptures reveal the stratagems of the accuser. It calls us to repentance to avoid being deceived by him and teaches the better way to joy and happiness.

Mining For Gold

          Studying the scriptures is metaphorically searching for gold. There are processes like panning for gold that are simple and require more work than resources. It is generally modest in the production of gold someone finds while panning.

          With appropriate effort and committed resources one can acquire property, mine and refine large amounts of gold, becoming fabulously wealthy in the process.

          How we study and apply the scriptures is similar to searching for gold. Reading the scriptures is important to obtaining a basic understanding of the content, like panning for gold in a stream. You find the occasional “nugget” but it is time consuming and typically low yielding. Still, we all must begin there.

          The next level of mining for gold in scripture is to study them topically. The Restoration movement provides tremendous resources to facilitate topical research. Each morning when I begin writing I avail myself of the resources provided to us through the continuing Restoration. We should all appreciate the time and dedication of those who sacrifice to bring these resources to us. The quality transcends anything previously provided by religious institutions of our past. Because of the tools provided there is no excuse for ignorance in the modern Restoration.

          Beginning with, I then open and the “search” window so I can do topical searches of everything Denver has said or written. I leave the Restoration archives window open and available in case I want to search his blog’s and talks or teachings of Joseph Smith. I’ve now added the Covenant of in a separate window and anxiously await a “search” window and cut and paste capability. Those would be epic, if possible. For approximately one hundred dollars I was able to purchase the library of Denver’s books on kindle allowing me access to copyright references completely inaccessible through the search option on Restoration archives. Reading and studying topics are the first two approaches we may apply independent of instruction by others. Reading is helpful but not the most fruitful for the time and effort expended. Topical study is useful and yields great results. The yield of thought provoking inspiration and instruction is extraordinary when compared to casual reading of scripture.

          There are three more levels of learning requiring Heaven’s help. They are an infinitely more fruitful and efficient in the use of our time. The third level of learning is having an “Enlightened heavenly guide.[2] He may or may not have the title of prophet or servant. Title is less important than the substance of his words. This is someone who communes with the heavens and has learned unspeakable things from the record of heaven. He is sent by the Heavenly Council to teach, exemplify and nurture us[3] as we grow in light and truth.

          The great challenge in mortality is discerning between “true messenger” and those who may dress in white, lead people aimlessly through mists of darkness, never partaking of the love of God.[4]

          The approach of a teacher in this category incorporates the first two strategies but also offers greater enlightenment from those beyond the veil. Those beyond the veil are original authors of scripture who instruct and enlighten prophets or servants. Not everything revealed to a prophet or servant may be shared with those on the mortal side of the veil.

          Although some of what the prophet or servant learns is not possible for man to share, there is benefit from receiving instruction from one who is familiar with the path. This is the level of instruction this paper primarily addresses.

          For informational purposes I’ll address the remaining two levels of learning without elaboration. While I’ve received great enlightenment from both levels indirectly, these levels are reserved for those whom the Lord deems prepared to receive instruction from the other side of the veil.

          The fourth level of instruction comes from the Spirit of Elijah and the restoration of the Patriarchal Fathers known as the “Powers of Heaven.”

          The “Powers of Heaven” are those who revealed a portion of the “sealed record of Heaven” to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery following the Lord’s acceptance of the Kirtland Temple. This is similar to a Mount of Transfiguration event where Patriarchal Father’s return to Earth after the Savior’s appearance and induct mortal recipients to an endowment of knowledge from their sealed record of Heaven. By revelation to Denver Snuffer Jr., through the “Answer to Prayer for Covenant” the following account was received:

“As this vision closed, the Heavens were again opened to their view, and they saw and beheld, and were endowed with knowledge from the beginning of this creation to the ends thereof. And they were shown unspeakable things from the sealed record of Heaven, which man is not capable of making known, but must be revealed by the Powers of Heaven. They beheld Michael, the archangel, Gabriel, and Raphael, and divers angels, from Michael or Adam down to the end of time, showing in turns their dispensations, their rights, their keys, their honors, their majesty and glory, and the Powers of their Priesthood; giving line upon line, precept upon precept; endowing them with knowledge, even here a little and there a little; holding forth hope for the work God was yet to perform, even the revelation of all things which are to come upon the earth until the return of the Lord in glory with His holy angels — to pour out judgment upon the world, and to reward the righteous.

And they were unable to take it in; therefore, they were commanded to pray and ask to comprehend by the power of the spirit, to bring all things to their remembrance, even the Record of Heaven which would abide in them. Amen and Amen” (RE T&C 157:30-32, emphasis added).

Similar accounts with slight variation appear throughout the scriptures but are reserved for those for whom the Lord reveals them.

          The final category is reserved for those who serve and know the Lord personally. The substance of that instruction is revealed in the Testimony of Saint John in the final interactions the Savior had with His disciples prior to His death and Resurrection.

“ . . . You are devoted to God and are also devoted to me. In the journey through my Father’s realms are many stages with temporary abodes. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare an abode for your upward journey. And when I arise, I will prepare places for you, but I will be your companion again and visit each of you, so that where I travel, you may journey to also. And the path I follow upward you know, and the way of ascent you also know. Thomas said to him, Lord, we don’t know where you are going; how can we know the way? You have not told us. Jesus said to him, I am the way, the record of the truth, and the means for Eternal lives, worlds without end: no man comes to the Throne of the Father without me. If you follow me, you will come to the Father’s Throne through me and will thereafter be like him forever” (RE T&C 171, Testimony of Saint John 10:9, emphasis added).

The last two categories are reserved for those who are true disciples of the Savior. As He willingly gave His life for them, they in turn, willingly give their lives for Him and those whom He serves.

Back to Level Three and Types in Scripture

          At the beginning of this paper Denver Snuffer said: “I’d suggest reading Covenant of Christ as if it were a new message and see what it tells you about our present circumstances. The book is for and about us” (Ibid) The second quotation stated: “The text was originally prepared by the authors to come forward for this generation. And events now happening are discussed in the book’s prophecies” (Ibid).

Two quotes from Denver Snuffer tell us the Covenant of Christ was written for this generation in our day. The best way to liken its prophecies to our day is to consider Nephite events addressed in the Covenant of Christ as if they represent a pattern of events transpiring “exactly[5] at this time. The description of modern events change the Savior’s description of the latter-day prophecies from Old Testament prophetic language to modern English.

          Along with the clarity of a modern English explanation, the chapter Denver draws this quotation from is filled with prophetic events to be fulfilled “exactly” in our time. While this chapter in its entirety is worthy of intense scrutiny, there are three events mentioned laying the groundwork for the coming of Christ to the New Jerusalem and Israel’s gathering.

          Before exploring the substance of this chapter it’s important to consider who has brought this to our attention. Denver would not bring this quotation to us without first understanding the content. Unlike us, he is not discovering this anew. The only way he could declare this prophecy “exactly” applies to us in this day is if the Lord made it known to him.

          Denver is the guide sent by God to lead us on this scriptural expedition. Like Horshack from the TV sitcom “Welcome Back Kotter,” (check YouTube or Google it) we sit in Denver’s classroom while he drops subtle clues hoping to stimulate our thought processes while the holy ghost “brings all things to our remembrance.”[6] When Horshack gained understanding he would anxiously bounce up and down in his chair waving his hand saying, “Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” hoping the teacher would call on him. I relate to those feelings when greater enlightenment arrives. As God reveals sacred knowledge to us and we grow in light and truth, it is like feeding an insatiable appetite that never is satisfied. Denver brought us to this reference and it is reasonable to assume he would not do so unless he had a clear understanding of the content. As we unravel Denver’s clues we should keep in mind his is a second witness to the prophecy Christ shares with the Nephites initially, but the latter-day Gentiles secondarily.

          The chapter begins with a sign given to Lehi’s surviving posterity following the coming of Christ to the people of Bountiful. Details from the prophecy of Jesus enable us to identify events leading up to the Savior’s arrival among the Gentiles because they mirror events leading up to “a coming judgment[7] and the Savior’s Coming to the New Jerusalem.[8]

          The beginning of the chapter starts with the resurrected Lord sharing a sign to those who survived apocalyptic events prior to His arrival. The sign or “signal” in the Covenant of Christ warns the survivors the work of the Father has commenced. The fact they come to this knowledge of the Savior’s ministry is the signal.

“I tell you the truth. And I’ll give you a sign to identify the time when these things are about to happen, when I will gather My people, the house of Israel, from their long-scattered state, and will again establish MY Zion among them. This is the sign for you: When the things that I’m declaring to you now and after this by the power of the Holy Ghost that are given to you by the Father are then revealed to the Gentiles, and taken as a message through them to you, that is when the Father’s covenant is being fulfilled . . .” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:1-2, emphasis added).

The Lord’s sign the Father has begun His work of gathering Israel and fulfilling His promises to them is when the Gentiles receive the teachings of Jesus and then carry them to descendants of Joseph through Lehi. That is the sign to their posterity and to the Gentiles. The first is the beginning of the Father’s work of gathering Israel and the second is the end of the covenant opportunity for Gentiles who resist the Lord’s call to repentance.

          The chapter ends with the Gentiles who repent joining with Lehi’s descendants. The two groups unite to begin building the New Jerusalem with as many of Israel’s tribes who will come.

“But if the Gentiles repent and hearken to My words and don’t harden their hearts, I’ll establish My congregation among them. And they will enter the covenant and be included with the remnant of Jacob, to whom I’ve given this land as their inheritance [descendants of Lehi]. They [Gentiles] will join with My people, the remnant of Jacob, and all those of the house of Israel who come, so they can build a city that will be called the New Jerusalem. Then the Powers of heaven [Patriarchal Fathers, fourth level of learning] will come down among them, and I will be with them as well [Christ and the fifth level of learning]. Then the Father’s work will be underway, when this gospel is preached among the remnant of this people.[9] Truly I say to you: At that time, the Father’s work will be taught among the scattered portion of My people, even the tribes that have been lost, whom the Father led away out of Jerusalem . . .” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 10:22-26, emphasis added).

This is the end of this chapter of instructions given by Jesus to the descendants of Lehi. When the native American descendants of Joseph through Lehi begin to know the content of Christ’s ministry, it is a sign the Father’s work of gathering Israel has commenced. These facts play an important role in our understanding this prophecy. Using the facts from the Lord’s teachings to Lehi’s descendants, we discover greater detail regarding how the Lord fulfills the prophecy if we find a similar account that precedes the ministry of Christ in the America’s. That will be forthcoming.

          The final piece of the puzzle in this chapter is how the Lord delivers the Book of Mormon to the Gentiles. LDS scholars contort this chapter to suggest the prophecy was fulfilled by Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith would not survive to see this day. Further, a prophecy given to Joseph Smith foretold of a day when a “fullness of my gospel” would be given to the Gentiles. Apparently it had not occurred at the time Joseph Smith received this revelation in 1831. The fullness of the gospel was reserved for the Gentile ending, not the beginning.

“And when that day shall come shall a remnant [of Israel] be scattered among all nations; but they shall be gathered again, but they shall remain until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled. And in that [future] day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion. And men’s hearts shall fail them and shall say that Christ delays his coming until the end of the world, and the love of men shall wax cold and iniquity shall abound. And when the times of the gentiles is come in, a light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness, and it shall be the fullness of my gospel, but they receive it not, for they perceive not the light and they turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men.

And in that generation shall the times of the gentiles be fulfilled . . .” (RE T&C 31:6-7, emphasis added).

At the time of the Gentile fullness, the Gentiles are in darkness. This suggests the light of the gospel has flickered out. When the light breaks through the darkness it contains a “fullness of my gospel.” But the Gentiles refuse the fullness because they fail to perceive the light and turn from the Lord because they are blinded by the precepts of men.[10]

          This leads to the question of how the Gentiles receive the gospel fullness at the end of their covenant opportunity? Although Denver points to this chapter and quotes the content, the words of the Savior regarding how the Gentiles receive the words of Christ is not addressed. The gospel fullness so it can be carried to the descendants of Joseph through Lehi by the Gentiles.

“At that time, to advance My cause, the Father will begin a work, which will be a great and awe-inspiring work among them [Gentiles]. There will be many who won’t believe it, although a man will tell it to them. But the ministry of My servant will be led by My hand; therefore they won’t be able to harm his work, although he’ll be opposed and discredited by them. Yet I’ll support him; I’ll show them My wisdom is greater than the accuser’s deceitful scheming. Therefore those who won’t believe in My words, and I Am Jesus Christ, which the Father will give and empower that servant to set before the Gentiles, it will result exactly as Moses said: They will be cut off from My people who are part of the covenant” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:9-11, emphasis added).

The Lord calls a servant who is enlisted by the Father to carry out a “great and awe-inspiring work among the Gentiles. Many will not believe it because of the precepts of men that blind them from recognizing the fullness of the gospel when revealed to them. Still, the Lord will sustain the servants work to defeat the scheming of the accuser. The servant brings the gospel fullness when he delivers the words of Christ to the Gentiles. Though many will seek to oppose and discredit him, some few Gentiles will receive the words of Christ from him. They in turn, join him in carrying the words of Christ to descendants of Lehi and assist in gathering Israel.

          To summarize, a sign is given that confirms the work of the Father commences through the efforts of a servant of Christ. When the descendants of Lehi begin to know the ministry of Christ or fullness of the gospel given to the Gentiles, the work of the Father has begun.

          Our next effort looks for a type before Christ’s coming to the Nephites where the Lord’s servant carries a gospel fullness to them [acting as proxy for the Gentiles]. It is generally rejected by the Gentiles, and the servant along with some Gentiles who repent begin ministering to Lamanite descendants of Lehi and they receive the fullness.

That will be part 2.

[1] “And he’ll pacify others, lulling them into worldly security, so that they’ll say: Everything is fine in Zion; in fact, Zion is prospering. Everything is fine! And so the accuser swindles them and leads them away carefully down to hell” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 28:21, emphasis added).

[2] “There was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin, who was in darkness and came to visit with Jesus. He sought wisdom from Jesus and said, Enlightened heavenly guide, some of us know you have descended from the High Council of Heaven because signs confirm you have authority from God. Jesus answered and said to him, In the name of Father Ahman I testify there is a new dispensation begun. You must accept the ordinances of this new Light or you cannot hope to progress to know God. (RE T&C 171, Testimony of Saint John 2:1, emphasis added). Jesus is referred to as an “Enlightened heavenly guide” because He is at this time mortal. Following His resurrection His instructions to mortals thereafter are of a higher order because the Savior has taken His place with the Father on His throne.

[3] “. . . Such priests were ordained to the Order of His Son in such a way, so that by it [Holy Order] the people would recognize how to look forward to His Son for redemption. And this is how they were ordained: they were called and prepared from the foundation of creation according to God’s foreknowledge, because of their great faith and good works [in prior cycles]. In the first place [pre-mortality] , since they were permitted to choose good or evil, they chose to do good and exercised great faith. As a result, they’re called with a holy calling that had been prepared with and according to the planned redemption for those who qualified. Therefore they were and are called to this holy calling because of their faith, while others chose to reject the Spirit of God because of their hard hearts and blind minds, and if it hadn’t been for this, they could have had the same status as their brothers. Or to be brief: in the first place [pre-mortality] they had the same opportunity as the others and this holy calling was available from the beginning of creation for any who chose not to harden their hearts. It was made available by the Only Begotten Son who was prepared to provide the atonement. So they’re called by this holy calling and ordained to the High Priesthood of the Holy Order of God to teach His commandments to mankind, so they also could enter His rest . . . As I said about the Holy Order, or this High Priesthood: many were ordained and became high priests of God. It was because of their great faith, repentance, and righteousness before God, choosing to repent and bring about righteousness rather than perish. Therefore they were called according to this Holy Order and were sanctified, and their clothes were washed white through the Lamb’s blood. Now they-after being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, having their  clothes made white, being pure and spotless before God-could only look upon sin with abhorrence. And there many, a very great many, who were enabled to become pure and entered the rest of the Lord their God” (Covenant of Christ, Alma 13:2-6, 10-12, emphasis added).

[4] “. . .  Indeed, it seemed like I saw a dark and gloomy wilderness. And I saw a man dressed in a dressed in a white robe who stood before me. He talked to me and said I should follow him. As I followed him, I saw I was in a dark and dreary wasteland. After I had traveled for many hours in darkness, I began to pray to the Lord to help me, because of His many tender mercies. After I had prayed to the Lord, I saw a large and spacious field. Then I saw a tree with fruit that would make people happy. I went and ate some of the fruit, discovering it was sweet beyond measure, better than all that I had ever tasted before. I noticed its fruit was white, brighter than I had ever seen. As I ate the fruit, it made my soul very joyful. . . .” (Covenant of Christ, 1 Nephi 8:4-12, emphasis added). Note, Lehi did not leave the dark and dreary wilderness until he stopped following the man in white and began inquiring directly to God. Men may have the appearance of sanctified members of the Holy Order but the content of their messaging distinguishes them from those whose only appeared as sanctified servants. Men who persuade others to follow them as they pour out the philosophies of men mingled with scripture never have power to lead others to salvation. Rather, they are an obstacle to finding Christ and His servants.

[5] “And then we have this really sobering message: Christ speaking, describing exactly where we are at this moment on this land. (This could be a headline from a responsible news agency today—if you could find one.) This is exactly what is happening, and it's Christ's words:

Yes, woe to the Gentiles unless they repent: For when that day come [future event], says the Father, I'll take away your strength from you, and I'll destroy your security. Your cities will fall and I'll break open your guarded borders. Your sciences and learning will turn into foolishness, and your false beliefs will cause your failure. I'll expose the fraud of those in authority, …your trusted institutions will lose every[body’s] loyalty. (3 Nephi 9:12 CE)

The new Covenant of Christ is intended to tell you exactly where you are and exactly how we got here. It is a revelation from God” (Covenant of Christ-Modern English Translation, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.12, emphasis added).

[6] “These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, who is the holy ghost whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance . . .” (RE John 9:9, emphasis added).

“These words have I spoken to you while I am still present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost that the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and restore to your memory all truth I have taught to you, and the record of Heaven itself” (RE T&C 171, Testimony of Saint John 10:15, emphasis added).


[7] “These scriptures are sent forth to be my warning to the world, my comfort to the faithful, my counsel to the meek, my reproof to the proud, my rebuke to the contentious, and my condemnation of the wicked. They are my invitation to all mankind to flee from corruption, repent and be baptized in my name, and prepare for the coming judgment” (Covenant of Christ, Modern English Translation, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.14, emphasis added).

[8] “That new title is the direct result of the Lord's 2017 covenant; the updated language is essential for those who accept the 2017 covenant. During the final stage of the project, the Lord declared the original Book of Mormon translation was to get THAT generation to be willing to accept it as Scripture. They needed it to mimic the King James Version language. But this has a different purpose. This is to help a new generation understand the content to help with the Lord's return. There is as much divine attention and assistance in getting this new version completed as before. Inspiration from the Lord has assisted throughout the process of finalizing this updated volume of Scripture” (Covenant of Christ, Modern English Translation, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.3, emphasis added).

“The original Book of Mormon translation was to get that generation to be willing to accept it as scripture. They needed it to mimic the King James Version language. But this has a different purpose. This is to help a new generation to understand the content to help with the Lord’s return. There is as much Divine attention and assistance in getting this new version completed as before” (Covenant of Christ, Modern English Translation, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.15, emphasis added).

[9] “And that you might escape the power of the enemy and be gathered unto me, a righteous people without spot and blameless, wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that you should go to the Ohio. And there I will give unto you my law, and there you shall be endowed with power from on high, and from there, whomever I will shall go forth among all nations, and it shall be told them what they shall do, for I have a great work laid up in store, for Israel shall be saved, and I will lead them wherever I will, and no power shall stay my hand . . . See that all things are preserved, and when men are endowed with power from on high and are sent forth, all these things shall be gathered unto the bosom of the church. And if you seek the riches which it is the will of the Father to give unto you, you shall be the richest of all people, for you shall have the riches of eternity. And it must needs be that the riches of the earth are mine to give, but beware of pride, lest you become as the Nephites of old” (RE T&C 22:9 & 11, emphasis added).

“Again I say, hearken you elders of my church whom I have appointed; you are not sent forth to be taught, but to teach the children of men the things which I have put in your hands by the power of my spirit, and you are to be taught from on high. Sanctify yourselves and you shall be endowed with power that you may give even as I have spoken” (RE T&C 29:5, emphasis added).

“Therefore, in consequence of the transgression of my people, it is expedient in me that my elders should wait for a little season for the redemption of Zion that they themselves may be prepared, and that my people may be taught more perfectly, and have experience, and know more perfectly concerning their duty and the things which I require at their hands. And this cannot be brought to pass until my elders are endowed with power from on high, for behold, I have prepared a great endowment and blessing to be poured out upon them, inasmuch as they are faithful and continue in humility before me. Therefore, it is expedient in me that my elders should wait a little season for the redemption of Zion” (RE T&C 107:3, emphasis added).

The endowment of power from on high is when the Powers of Heaven or Patriarchal Fathers minister to the Gentiles, descendants of Lehi and those of the scattered tribes whom the Lord brings as the first responders to construct the New Jerusalem. When those three groups accomplish that task the Powers of Heaven and Savior will be in their midst to endow them with Power and instruct them by opening to them the sealed record of Heaven.

[10] “. . . And that wicked one comes and takes away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers . . .” (RE T&C 93:11, emphasis added).

Scott Roderick


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